Thursday, August 25, 2011

Love and WAR!

Oh the labor and love of making a children's book. It's the coolest project I've ever attempted, yet it's so difficult to pull the time together to actually do it. When one starts a children's book, I think one should make it their new wife/husband. You must nurture it so that it can nurture you. You must pay it attention, give it time, give it love, understanding, but most of all--- time. This is the problem here people. But I've become aware now, so....

In other news, my album is going to the printers very soon. We're waiting on them to start asking for which files and what files. Release party? Yea! There will be one in Orange County, and one in Napa. It'll be a big "to-do" and art will be around, friends, fun, food. I can't wait to share it with everyone. It sounds nice, you know? It sounds real and nice. Real nice.

I've been laying around with this image for my band, "Orphan Annie". We're on facebook. Look us up, please. :) I want to go all out with this dooder, so I'm taking me time. Think psychedelic, think little orphan Annie, think eyeballs and faces and butterflies and sunbeams. Our music is that.

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