Friday, April 29, 2011

A Special Place...

Remember all those line drawings I did of wildflowers, birds, and such? Well, the drawings have been etched into a beautiful black marble, and reside in the Martha Walker Garden at Skyline Park in Napa, CA. There are 10 -11 signs, and they all turned out just beautifully. Thank you Kathleen for putting the time to make the Martha Walker Garden so lovely and special. I grew up playing in that garden when my Dad had flower shows and sales next to it in the hall. I love that place, and I'm so thankful I contributed something of worth there.

In other news. I'm starting a venture in portraiture. I'm going to draw some people I know and kids I know, and go from there. Artwork to be posted soon!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paint, skulls, and butts!

Hello Friends!

Been busy. Working at a preschool and still doing some art, but mostly hanging out with 2-5 years olds all day. I've been getting some great ideas, though! And I'm happy to say I have a few new book ideas that I'm excited to work on in the coming months.

I started painting again. I'm out of canvases, but here's one of the little decorative, folk-art style piece I did for my room.

It sits on the wall by my skull and books, and my tiny owl, who watches over me at night. It's exactly what I wanted: colorful, abstract, and fun. I modeled it very closely of another artists paintings. She does work so similarly, but I just wanted something for my room, and for my own painting/meditative practices.

As I painted, I laughed because one of the paint dollops looked like a little butt. I took a picture so you could see. It was orange too! Oh little bottom, you blessed my painting with your presence that day. I will sorely miss you!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dylan's Birthday book.

For my friend..... I finally got something right. After all of the trials and errors, this project went smoothly and I felt like I knew what I was doing. Here's the first page's illustration.